Saturday, December 31, 2005
Christmas was loud. It was good. There were 8 kids ranging from 9 years to 9 months. The Boy got a little over-stimulated a couple times, but for the most part it was all good.
Friday, December 23, 2005
9 1/2 Weeks
Yesterday at the Doctor's office, he weighed 16 lbs. 4 oz. They were kind enough to just write >95% for his weight percentile. At this rate, he'll be out of his infant carrier by 4 months! Our friends who have the exact same carrier used theirs until 9 months!
He also got 4 shots. He wailed at the time, but he calmed down in just a few minutes and then just slept a lot the rest of the day. He was quite the trooper! Thanks to those that recommended we give him Tylenol before the appointment, that may have helped.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
It's Not Whether You Win Or Lose.
I Want A Jet Ski
Monday, December 12, 2005
8 Weeks
I'm embarrassed to say we've lost something of his. We lost his neck. However, we did find one extra chin. And before it's all over, there may be more than one extra chin. I think we're about to lose his knees, also. But he's got enough thighs for 2 or 3 babies. He weighs 15 pounds and is 25 inches long.
(Speaking of long, when do you officially switch from "long" to "tall"?)
He rolls over from his tummy to his back, to his right all the time. He's done it to the left once. When he doesn't immediately roll over when we give him tummy time, he looks straight out, sometimes even up. He seems pretty fond of a particular stuffed dog. It rattles and squeaks and barks and crinkles and all that good stuff.
He definitely prefers mommy at this point, but we still have good times together. We read and play and get tummy time and watch some sports on TV (but not too much TV). I'm still managing to stay calm when he's having a fit. But it's much much harder when I myself am over tired. So I'm focusing on not getting so tired.
Since he never passed the hearing screening in the hospital, we had several follow up tests, OAEs and ABRs and what-have-you. The audiologist has diagnosed him with mild hearing loss at low frequencies. So when speaking at a normal conversation volume, he probably hears vowels and "m" & "n" & such more like a whisper. Whereas, "shh" & "s" & "t" & such are probably more normal. It doesn't appear to be just fluid or wax buildup. She is recommending hearing aids. We've spoken t an ENT once, and will speak with him again. We're also going to get another opinion. Of course, we'd break the bank for anything he needs, we just want to make sure he really needs it and that it will be beneficial. I learned that hearing aids are not covered by our insurance.
The Boy and The Wife (a.k.a. The Mom) left today to visit grandma for a couple days. I was really sad to see them go. Luckily, I got to come home at lunch and play with him and we even took a little nap together.
There are so many little things I want to post about on a daily basis so I don't forget them, but I just never get around to it. Plus, some things are just better live than Memorex.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Baby Blog
Friday, December 02, 2005
Break On Through To The Other Side
I had a total breakthrough this morning. He was crying and screaming and arching his back. I stayed calm by speaking calmly to him. Telling him I really wanted him to stop. And that it makes me sad and mad when he does this. And that Daddy has him and was trying to fix whatever was wrong. Of course, he understands none of this. But saying it out loud is the release I needed instead of letting it build up and get me angry. And saying it calmly helped soothe him. I knew he had recently been changed, so didn't think that was the issue. He didn't seem cold or hot. I wasn't quite sure about gas. But he did seem to be hungry. So I told him we'd go see if the Booby factory was open or if I needed to heat a bottle. We found out the Booby factory would open in a few minutes, so we binkied and pinkied and managed to stay fairly calm until then.
Roll Over, Beethoven
Next week we're going to the DMV to get his learner's permit.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
4 Weeks
He accidentally flipped himself over from tummy to back the other day. He was pushing up with his left arm and gave this kick that just flopped him over. I know it was an accident, but it was cool.
He's peed on himself, the walls, mom's hair, etc. He spits up a lot. We think it's normal, but it seems like a lot. The Wife's going to mention it to the lactation folks. He seems to like motion. Walking, riding in the car, etc. I really like the Snugli frontpack/backpack we got. He seems to like it too.
He seems to be doing well. I weighed him yesterday, I know the bathroom scale isn't the most accurate, but he was 12 lbs.
It's possible that he has some mild to moderate hearing loss in at least 1 ear. We don't know much more at this point. We'll follow up in 3-4 weeks to learn more.
Sometimes he's just cranky, and that's very hard for me to deal with. I'm trying to learn how to stay calm when he's screaming at the top of his lungs, but it's very hard.
We didn't do a very good job of giving him his first real bath. The little tub started overflowing, then he was just sitting in poopy water. We'll have to plan better for the next one.
We're starting to function more, get things done, get out and about. That's nice.
The Wife is doing better. She still has some ailments, but she is slowly improving. She is very good with The Boy. She doesn't realize how good she is. I knew she would be a great mom, but it just really impresses me. She has made an amazing transition into The Mom.
This is the hardest thing we've ever done. It's crazy hard. But it's so very cool.
Sorry for the terrible flow of this post.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
This Just In
Wake up, wake up. It's time to eat.
Wake up, wake up. Your fast asleep.
Wake up, wake up. There's a whole other Boob to eat.
[end of song]
Sometimes he's a little lazy about the eating. I think mom is just too comforting. Heck, I can't count the number of times I've fallen asleep with her boob in my mouth.
Editor's Note: The Wife just informed me that it's sung to a tune from the movie "Groundhog Day".
Sunday, October 30, 2005
I wasn't going to watch. I wasn't going to cut. The nurse needed help holding The Wife's legs. So I helped. But I looked the other way. Except then I stole a peek. And then another. Then I was staring. Finally, I was ready to push the doc out of the way and pull him out myself. Okay, maybe not that much. But I did watch. I still can't believe how hard she pulled on him to get him out. It's a good thing his head is well attached. I'm still in shock at how big he is. The doc was surprised, too. She's pulling him out and there's just more and more coming. I couldn't believe how long he was. Then I cut the cord. I had no idea how much I would participate.
Then everyone started asking his name, but we weren't sure. One of the three could be eliminated right away, it didn't seem right. The other two were okay, but didn't quite ring true. So we held off. He is so strong, right away he was holding his head up for several seconds at a time, looking around. So I looked up names with "strong" or "strength" in the meaning. And when we got to it, it just sounded right. The funny thing is, it wasn't on our original list. Not even close. So we shocked everyone with our final decision.
Things went well and we came home Wednesday. One exception. He had some jaundice and the pediatrician said she'd send us home with a billi-blanket, a.k.a. wallaby. Only she didn't explain it at all. So when they brought it to us, it wasn't at all what we expected. But they explained how to use it. Told us to check his temperature when we changed his diaper. Said it might make him warm, but nothing about a fever. So we kept it on him constantly all night, like they said. The next morning, his armpit temp was 100.4. So I called the pediatrician and they directed me to take it anally. It was 101.1. They said come in. We freaked. At the office, it was 101.2. They also said he seemed a bit dehydrated. They checked us into Children's Mercy as a precaution. We totally freaked. His fever was gone by later that day and never came back. But they ran all kinds of cultures on him to be save. Blood, urine, spinal, etc. He had an IV. What a nightmare. All of the test results were good. So it was one of two things. A quick virus that came and went. Or the wallaby overheated him, the jaundice made him not eat as well, and the combo dehydrated him. We're super pissed that the pediatrician sent us home with that wallaby instead of treating it in the hospital since we were there. But on the other hand, it seems like it was all a blessing in disguise. We learned so much while we were in Children's Mercy that nobody else told us. Nobody told us we might need to supplement depending on how nursing was going. None of our classes, nobody in the delivery hospital, not the pediatrician, nobody. So when the fever fiasco hit and people started asking us what we were using to supplement (not IF we were supplementing, but what were we using), we were like WTF? Nobody fucking told us anything about this shit. So, we are so thankful to everyone at Children's Mercy. They were so helpful and so nice.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
The Boy
The Boy arrived at 9 pounds, 3 ounces, 21 inches long. Pretty damn big considering me and The Wife. We're now at home and getting settled in.
I've got so much more to say. But there's a lot of other things to do, like hold The Boy, and stare at him for no apparent reason. I wish I didn't have to go back to work.
This is amazing stuff.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
The Last Supper
Anyway. We had a date on Monday. Dinner at our favorite restaurant and then went to see The Corpse Bride. We had fun. We went out to dinner with friends tonight. (The one's that are 6 weeks behind us.)
We bought a few last things we wanted. A snugli backpack/frontpack. A Pack-n-Play. A Dr. Brown's bottle. I installed a dimmer light switch in The Baby's room. I tightened up the rocker we bought at the garage sale.
The Wife's sister had a baby boy on Friday. She told us by announcing she has a box of girl clothes for us (this is their 5th child). Since it seem unlikely that any of her sisters will have more kids, The Wife is happy about having the last baby.
21 hours. 13 minutes.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Police Brutality
4 Days. 7 hours. 23 minutes. (until hospital check-in)
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Hockey, It's Good To Have You Back
The breastfeeding class was interesting. We learned quite a bit. I guess I don't have anything more to say about it. I'm glad we went.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I is what I is
- Micah is a great looking guy who likes to play music, and we all like him
- Micah is being taken down by the man
- Micah is a George Bush
- Micah is a shortened form of Micaiah which means "Who is like unto the Lord?
- Micah is the 6th of the 12 books of Minor Prophets in the Old Testament
- Micah is a Word Divinely inspired from God
- MICAH is committed to strive for quality public education in the city of Milwaukee
- Micah is an independent producer, writer, critic, and radio host from Portland,Maine
- Micah is a 9 year old boy with mixed spastic dystonic quadriplegia cerebral palsy.
- Micah is the "man"
- Micah is free
I did 11 instead of 10, but what the hell. That was amusing.
Thirteen days left. Holy. Shit. Balls. I suppose we're as ready as we can be. Bags are packed. Car seat installed (inspection to follow soon). Birthing class complete. Newborn class complete. Breastfeeding class this Wednesday. List of names not finalized but narrowed. Every second consumed with thoughts of baby-ness. Here we go.
The Wife's rib-spreading pain is back today. Don't really know if that's what it is, but it's the best guess. Other than that, she's doing well. She's ready to be done.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Fortuitous Doggie Walk
I took the doggies for a walk yesterday and found a glider rocker at a garage sale for $40. I'm practically dragging the dogs I'm going so fast to get back to the house and get The Wife. I call once, no answer. I call twice and get a confused, "Hello?". I guess she was napping.
"Put your shoes on, there's a glider rocker for sale."
"Huh? Uh, well, where? What?"
"Just put your shoes on, I'll be there in a second."
"Uh, Okay."
So we ran, errrr, waddled very quickly, down to the garage sale. It's not the best, but it's comfy and it works. So I offered the gal $35 and she took it. Fortuitous doggie walk, indeed.
Oh, and The Baby ate the part of The Wife's brain that stores her ATM PIN. Luckily I was with her and had my card and The Baby is not eating my brain, yet.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
We had the second birthing class. I didn't watch the graphic parts. Maybe I'll change my mind when we're there and it's my wife, but at this point, I still don't want to see. We're learning to breathe and about the different stages. We've got a newborn class this Thursday.
We meet with another pediatrician next week. Seems like it might be tough to pick one.
We had our hospital pre-registration and a tour. It all seemed good. The rooms are huge.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
7 Things
7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Travel to Europe
2. Raise the best child(ren?) I can with The Wife
3. Worry less
4. Own NHL season tickets
5. Learn to play the harmonica
6. Own a house = no mortgage
7. Learn to be a better dancer
7 things I can do:
1. Play soccer
2. Fix computers
3. Play foosball
4. Water ski
5. Snowboard
6. Make the vein in my hand wiggle like a worm by moving my finger
7. Gleek
7 things I cannot do:
1. Whistle (well)
2. Sing (well)
3. Dance (well)
4. Differential Equations (Calc I - III was fine, but DiffEQ kicked my butt)
5. Lie to The Wife (my cheeks puff up like a squirrel hoarding nuts)
6. Barefoot water ski (never tried)
7. Levitate
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Sense of humor
2. Common sense
3. Easy going
4. Red hair
5. Boobs
6. Nice Butt
7. Nice Legs
7 things that I say most often:
1. What the fuck?
2. Dude (in all it's various forms)
3. I'll ..... (repeating the last phrase said with a sexual overtone regardless of context. Ex. "I'll fluff your pillow.")
4. I'm like ...
5. Well, clearly (or, Obviously)
6. Riiiiiiiiiighhht
7. That's jacked up.
7 celebrity crushes:
1. Audrey Hepburn
2. Gillian Anderson
3. Nicole Kidman
4. Alyson Hannigan
5. Angie Everhart
6. Demi Moore
7. Mia Hamm
7 people I want to do this:
I don't have 7 blogs I read.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Baby Doctor / Baby Date
Baby Doctor. No, not like Doogie Howser. As in "baby daddy", "baby momma", etc. You know, "baby doctor". As in, we're trying to pick one. I called one office today to set up a new mom visit. The scheduler was kind of cranky, which turned me off. But we'll meet with them and see how it goes. I stopped by another office and got some information about them as well. They have a "sick waiting" and "well waiting" side to their waiting room. Cool idea.
Baby Date. Well, unless this dude(ette?) decides to come sooner, we check into the hospital on 10/16/05 @ 20:00 Central. Induction will begin the next morning. I guess if between now and then something happens that determines it should be sooner or later, we'll adjust accordingly.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Baby Learnin'
Saturday, September 10, 2005
5 weeks, 2 days -ish
Swelling of the hands and feet is now a regular problem. It's not as bad as her sister had it, but it's still annoying and painful. She's also got a pain in her foot, possibly related to the swelling or maybe just because The Baby happens to be pressing on a nerve that affects her foot. She told work that she's done either this coming week or next, but I'm not certain she'll be able to go that long if her foot doesn't get better.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
How About Wednesday, at 9:53am?
One thing she did seemed kind of weird, let me know what you think. She gave us some dates to pick from for a scheduled induction. One was the given due date, one was 3 days after, and the others were 7 days before and 4 days before. She said she doesn't like to go too long because of potential complications. I didn't know we'd actually be trying to schedule this, I thought it would just happen.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Dinner Conversation
The Wife: "No, I just don't want it to be something you regret missing out on. You know, I don't really *want* to *have* it, but I don't have much of a choice in the matter."
Monday, August 29, 2005
Man-Slave, Peel Me Some Grapes!
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Letters To The Editor
She worked 4 days this week instead of 3 and that caused a little too much swelling in her legs, so she told them to cut her back to 3. The response she got was, "Oh, I didn't realize I started scheduling you for 4 days.". Right. Sure. 'Cause there are so many with the same name (only 1), and so many people to schedule, and you do it so far in advance (less than 1 week). Anyway, they cut her back to 3, so that's good.
Baby still moves like crazy. Still no name decisions. Not much else to report.
Something I have been thinking about. We love our dogs. They are our "kids". Neither were supposed to get so big according to the shelters, but we now have 55lb. & 75lb. dogs. Inside dogs. And they're clean. Well, as far as dogs go, anyway. But they get so much hair everywhere. And we brush them pretty frequently. I don't think I could ever bring myself to make them permanent outside dogs. But I sure wish our house was laid out where we had like a basement entrance, like a mud room type of thing that could be the dog room so the rest of the house wouldn't get so hairy. There are certain rooms they can't go in. Anyway, I'm just rambling.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Sawing Logs
Testing the Blogger pic upload thing I just noticed.
Also, The Wife has developed quite a snore. Sometimes she wakes herself up.
Oh, and with my last post, I started receiving spam comments, so I had to add an extra step for those who want to leave a comment. Hopefully that will help. Sorry for the inconvenience for those of you with legit comments.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Baby Room Photos

Originally uploaded by polesposition.
Here are the baby room photos. I don't use flickr much, so I'm not sure how this post will turn out.
Burn Baby Burn
Her sister and mom came up this weekend and helped her paint the baby room. It's pretty cool. I'll try to get around to posting some pics. So now we just have to put a baby in there.
We looked at glider rockers yesterday. Damn those things are expensive. We're thinking of alternatives at this point.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Matching Dresser, Check. $150 @ local furniture store.
Mostly matching crib, Check. Free from sister-in-law.
Also, we went to a different grocery store this weekend, hoping for a better selection of lunch meat. And we got it. Since it was a store we weren't familiar with and since we didn't have a list, we were going up every isle to see what we needed. But when we got to the isle of frozen deserts, I looked up the isle, decided we didn't need anything, and moved on. I heard The Wife announce, "We snub you, isle of frozen delights.". Maybe you had to be there, but it was quite amusing.
Single Digits
I chose Jimmy Buffett's Defying Gravity as the song to sing to The Baby. I'm not sure if The Baby hates it or loves it, but it sure moves like crazy when I sing it. I wish I had a cool-guy Radio Blog like KD so I could upload it and you could hear it, but I don't. Now I want to learn to play the Harmonica part of the song. I haven't been able to find the sheet music for it yet, maybe I can figure it out by ear. Any suggestions?
If we're going with the due-date of 10/16/05, then today marks the official day that we have entered the single-digit weekly countdown. We're getting closer to ready, but still have a fair amount to do. We managed to choose an infant seat / stroller travel system to register for. I guess we'll also register for a convertible seat since that's what they recommended. The Britax one's seem really nice, but based on Consumer Reports, there are others that are just as safe that are half or less than half the price.
Monday, August 08, 2005
So, we sat down and talked about how we planned doing things to maybe help narrow it down. That seemed to help and I guess we'll have to go back soon and sift through all that junk to figure out what we want / need.
There's just so much crap to do and think about. I guess we'll figure it out. It's been done a bajillion times before.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Turtle Surprise
Her 30th birthday is 8/16/05. We had a surprise party for her yesterday. It was great. The rouse was a family baby shower at her sister's house about 45 minutes away. And then they would come back this direction to go furniture shopping and I'd have them swing by to get me. Except she didn't know about that second part of the plan until yesterday. The Wife said she was a little suspicious, because she thought, yah, I'll be gone all day and then have a party tonight. But her family played it cool and didn't act like there was any set time to leave. And when she called me to find out what I wanted to do and when, I was very nonchalant. "Yah, I'd like to go, just come by and get me whenever."
So she gets here, leaves her mom and niece in the running car, comes in and says, "You ready? Let's go."
"Yahhhh, come see what your dogs did in the back yard today."
"Okay, but mom and Kendall are in the car!"
"I know, it will just take a second."
I didn't realize she was carrying cake from the baby shower, and as she's walking through the kitchen, she starts to put it in the fridge, with all the party food (all the guests are out back).
"HERE. I'll get that!" As I accidentally stab her hand with my thumbnail. I've lost all my play-it-cool at this point.
She steps outside to a ton of people and, "SURPRISE!".
"Oh. Wow." Then she turns to me, "But mom and Kendall are in the car."
"No they're not, they're coming in."
"But everyone's going furniture shopping."
"No they're not, they're coming here."
Heh-heh. Even though she was suspicious earlier, she had completely dismissed the possibility, never suspecting her family was in on it.
It was good fun. I even made homemade ice cream like she requested.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Good Times
Editorial Note: This post is as much for my amusement as it is for The Wife to go back and read some day when she brings up having another kid.
The Waiting Game
The Wife is low on Iron, so we got some OTC Iron for her to take in addition to the pre-natal. She just loves taking pills (not), so she's excited about that.
Everything seems normal, we're seeing the doctor every two weeks now. Which is kind of painful because they always seem to be behind schedule. They always seem to have some lame excuse like, "She had to deliver a baby earlier, so she's behind schedule.". ;-)
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Baby Says, "I'm King Of The World"
It's fun to feel The Baby move and talk to it. It's really neat when it moves after I say something. I'm having a hard time picking the song I want to sing to it. It will definitely be a Jimmy Buffett tune, but the 2 or 3 I really like really center around being a boy or a girl. So I'm trying to pick a gender-neutral song. Yah, I know. Silly. But, whatever. I'll figure it out here soon.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
And then there was Saturday. We went to a kiddie water park in Columbia named Pirate's Cove at Twin Lakes. We met her fam there for a kiddie B-Day party. It was fun. Anyway. As we're walking to the entrance, I hear her say, "No Tice? What's that? No Tice? What's a Tice?". So I start looking around trying to figure out what she's talking about. I say, "You mean that sign right there in front of us? The one that says 'NOTICE'?". She tried to come up with some explanation, but I couldn't hear her over my own laughter.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Leg Cramps, Butt Aches, and Heartburn, Oh My!
Although she'd probably tell you I'm the primary pain in her ass, it wasn't me this weekend. We stayed at my dad's and I guess the bed just wasn't right because she had butt pain. Like top of the butt/hip, like a knotted muscle kind of thing. I know it's juvenile, but it's really funny to hear someone say, "Will you rub my butt?".
We were back in our own bed last night. That eliminated the butt ache. But it was replaced by heartburn. Ugh.
On a happy note. We had a blast at the lake. I got to ski several times, and now my body is punishing me. But it was worth it. I realize in the grand scheme, 31 isn't old, but it sure feels like it sometimes. Damn I love to ski. That will be one of the things I miss the most when I get too old to do it. There's just nothing like laying over as far as you can, cutting back and forth, watching the sun light up the spray. And The Baby got to ride in the boat, so that was good. I kind of wish The Baby was going to be born in-season so it could go on a boat ride right away. I was on a boat at only a couple weeks old. Oh well, we'll just have to do it first thing next season.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
A Fool And His Data
We now have most of a plan for the baby room and the new spare bedroom. Now we just need to start working on it.
Our big dog (75 lbs.) hates fireworks. They make her a nervous wreck to the point she won't even go to the bathroom. She just wants to be inside and far away from them. The little one (55 lbs.) doesn't like them either, but she mostly ignores them except for the really loud and bright ones.
Our computer is back up and running, complete with a 300GB external drive for backups. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Movement (delayed post)
We had our second sonogram. This time it's not just a dot. It's a real baby!!! That was cool. It was moving & waving & moving it's mouth. All sorts of stuff. We did not find out the gender, so we'll just have to wait and see what comes out. Literally. Well, not me. No. Someone else will be watching it come out. I'll just get to see the end result. Later. After it's come out.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Vacation Good, PC Bad (delayed post)
Oh, at one point The Wife kind of forgot she was pregnant and tried to "hop" out of the pool by throwing one leg up on the side. She kind of teetered on the edge for a second before she was able to get enough ooomph to make it out. I recommended she use the stairs or ladder from then on.
Then when we got back, the PC wouldn't boot. I knew it was the hard drive or the controller card. Turns out it was the hard drive. I've still got a guy trying to recover the data, but it's looking like a lost cause.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I suck
So, I'm re-building. And between trying to recover from vacation, work being busy, and a lot going on around the house (painting, windows, doors, etc.), it's taking me longer than I should. It's also keeping me from posting baby updates. There's a lot to tell, and I'll get to it soon.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Speedy Delivery
Thursday, May 19, 2005
ROTS - Comments
Despite the fact that I knew Anakin would become Darth Vader, it still broke my heart to watch it unfold. The way it happened. The things he did. The fact that Darth Vader was no longer just some bad guy in a black suit. In the original Trilogy, he was just that bad guy and that's how it was. No big deal. But to see him transform and to know that Darth Vader could have been prevented. And to know that some evil bastard took advantage of his adolescence and his hard life. It was just sad.
The movie was amusing and suspensful. It was visually captivating. The whole movie brought such closure to so many things.
I truly enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing it again in six hours.
It's Official
"Yah, I'd say that you are officially showing."
The points were awarded for wording it so that it didn't come off as, "you're getting bigger".
The topic came up because I guess some gal said to The Wife something like, "...yah, when I was pregnant...", yet there had been no mention of the fact that The Wife is currently pregnant.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Monday, May 16, 2005
That was crazy, dog.
It has always been a bit weird when they make out. They're like french-kissing teenagers. And when one cleans the other and I'm in the room. Well, I just feel like I'm invading their privacy. But this latest thing is too much for me. Golden doggie showers.
Yah, I know.
Out of the past 10 walks we've went on, I'd say 8 or 9 have resulting in one peeing on the other's head at least once. They're both sniffing the same spot, nose-to-nose, and then one spins around, hikes their leg (yah, they're both girls. like I said, they've always been a bit strange), and just pees before the other one moves. And it happens so fast, it's over before we can even think to stop it from happening. Ugh. It's amusing and wrong, all at the same time.
Feed Me!
Gotta run, time to flip the fish sticks and tater tots.
Baby Room
As far as I know, The Wife is still on a streak of feeling good. She should be sitting down more during the day at work, but she's in retail, so that's tough. But with all the changes lately, her job description isn't much more than, "stand here until someone needs something", so I'm thinking "stand" could be replaced with "sit". She just needs to get some kind of a stool or a chair. Maybe that would help her ankles, which are a bit swollen at the end of the day.
I guess we really need to get going on the baby room. Get it cleared out and painted and ready for furniture. Maybe we can do a little of that this weekend.
Monday, May 09, 2005
Happy Pre-Mothers Day
I also got her a white picture frame that holds two 4x6 pictures. I decorated the frame with some markers and put a sonogram picture in the top and a picture of the dogs in the bottom. She woke up to it on her bed stand Sunday morning. That was cool.
She's not quite used to her bigger boobs. Several times on Saturday when we were out, she made sudden turns, slamming her boobs into me, practically knocking me to the ground (isn't exaggeration fun?). And the funny part is that she was oblivious to it. I pointed it out to her later with this same caveat -- This is NOT, I repeat NOT, a complaint. I'm relatively pleased with the situation, actually.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Damn It Was A Good Day
The Wife had a good day today. Felt good, felt peppy and upbeat. Hopefully that trend continues.
I got head-butted (is that a word?) in my soccer game on Tuesday. At least that's what they tell me. I went up for a header, and won the ball, but the next thing I know, I landed on the ground horizontally and just kind of laid there in a lot of pain. I've got a lovely black eye and my cheek is swollen. And it's messing with my teeth. It's some kind of combination of my bite being off a little, and some of my teeth feeling numb. Oh, and there's blood in my phlegm. Other than that, I'm perfect! (name that film quote).
Friday, April 29, 2005
15 weeks 5 days
Oh, and according to some Chinese zodiac calendar predictor whozit whatzit, she's determined that we're having a girl. Speaking of that, the more we talk about it, the more we're thinking of not finding out if The Baby is a boy or a girl ahead of time.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
The Itchy And Scratchy Show
Before I got home, The Little Dog (relatively speaking at 58 lbs.) puked tonight, and that made The Wife puke. But she mustered up the strength to clean it up. And I truly appreciate not having to clean up dog puke first thing when I get home.
Tomorrow is our fourth wedding anniversary. Sometimes it seems like it all started yesterday, other times it seems like it should be our fortieth. There could be no more perfect woman for me. Thanks to her for being her, and for liking me for being me.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Get Away (part deux)
(Sorry for the streaming consciousness)
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Get Away
She went against her book's advice and went to the salon today. But she didn't do anything too drastic and she seems to like it. She should, she looks totally hot.
We're going on a little 4th anniversary get-away weekend this weekend. We're looking forward to it. We need a little break. It should be a good time. We're going to - Note to The Wife: HA!!! You thought you were going to find out, didn't you? I know you're reading this before we leave for the weekend. Heh-heh. Nice try, but you'll just have to wait until we get there.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Blame Game
The Wife went to her sister's last night and got a bunch of clothes and some other stuff. That's pretty exciting. The other sister was supposed to come too, but her husband didn't want her to for some reason. Oh well, more stuff for us! Yay. Oh, but then I got blamed for keeping her up so late last night. Even though she didn't even get home till after 10:30! I told her nice try, but it was her fault.
She's feeling mostly better, but there's been no "light switch" from feeling blah to feeling great. She's getting a little bit of a belly, but she says it's just all fat and not baby. I tell her it is baby and it's because of the baby and it's cute.
We put the boats in at the Lake this weekend and had a blast. The Baby had it's first boat ride. I napped in the boat and she napped on the dock. I realized I'd been in and out of consciousness for a few minutes so I figured I'd better see if she was asleep so she didn't burn. I hollered over at her to tell her to flip over or get out of the sun. She was on her stomach with her top's neck strap untied and held it with one hand as she stood up, leaning over to tie it. And her boob had just completely fallen out. Completely. She had no clue. Granted, there's really nobody around that could see anything, but I hopped out and stepped in front of her and told her to stand up. She's half asleep and she's just like, What? Why?. I told her to trust me, she stood up, I put her boob away, and she was like, "Oh, Thanks.". It was quite amusing. She had no idea. And she was so mostly asleep, that when we were laughing about it later, she didn't even remember exactly how it had happened. Ahh, My Wife, the pregnant exhibitionist.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Furry Stirrups
Perhaps we were being punished for being 4 minutes late, but we sat in the examination room for over 45 minutes before the Dr. finally arrived. The furry stirrups were out for some reason and we thought about taking them for a test run, but decided we better not. Translated, that's: I tried to convince her how much fun it would be and she just kept saying no. The doc said everything checked out okay and that her Iron seemed fine. So, it must just be the normal first trimester blues, and she'll start feeling better any day now.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
What do Johnson County, KS and Superman have in common?
CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT [to ban gay marriage]
Total Number of Precincts 417
Precincts Reporting 417 100.0 %
Total Votes 97051
YES 58368 60.14%
NO 38683 39.86%
Gee, while we're at it, why don't we make gay people use separate drinking fountains and ride in the back of the bus? Didn't we learn anything? Regardless of how you feel about gay marriage, amending the Constitution is wrong. IT'S THE CONSTITUTION. In 50 years (hopefully sooner), they're going to look back at this and call us fools. *sigh*
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Iron Woman
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Saving Myself
I tried to explain that to our friends tonight when I wouldn't hold their baby that was just born today. I'm not entirely sure they understood, but I asked them not to take offense. He was a very cute baby. Very cute. His Wife was praising the epidural all night long. It's one of the first 5 words she says to everyone she talks to. She apparently had a pretty easy time, especially after the epidural. He told me the doctor arrived, took off her coat, put on her gown, put on her gloves, and literally turned around just in time to catch the little bugger. A little to close, if you ask me, but makes for an amusing story.
Oh, and speaking of babies. The Wife's sister, the one with the 8-year-old and the 2-year-old triplets, yah, she's pregnant. She's due 4 days after The Wife. That makes 5 kids. Wow. Out. Of. Control.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Surprise Ending
Monday, March 21, 2005
Baby Buddies
Our kidless-couple friends are having a baby! Yay. So fun. They were part of the gang we told at dinner the day after we found out. They rode with us and on the way home, they kept saying, "We're just not ready yet. We'd be okay if it happened, but we're just not ready." Well, apparently the conversation continued after we dropped them off and ended up as, "Okay, let's start trying."
They think she's about four weeks along, which would put them about six weeks behind The Wife.
Infant Imitators. Toddler Teams. Okay, now I'm really done.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Smoking Grandparents
I just don't know where to start because I know how he is and it's not only going to hurt his feelings, but it's going to piss him off royally, because that's just how he is. It's not something that would ruin our relationship, we're too close for that. But he will be pissed. I suppose I could lie and say that The Wife or I or The Baby have developed an allergy to smoke. But that seems kind of chicken-shit.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Twins (no, not us)
Monday, March 14, 2005
Honey-Flavored Nut-Roundies, Anyone?
The other new thing is her volume. She's normally one of those petite sneezers that makes you wonder why they even bother. You know, a teeny, squeaky little, pit-zew, instead of a roaring, WAAA-CHOOOOO, like me. Well, her sneezes are sounding louder, and thus, more gratifying. Her burps are rivaling mine. But so far, she's managed to keep from ripping a big 'ol fart while I'm around. I know it's only a matter of time.
Here's the weird thing. At the dinner table tonight, I don't really know why, or what happened, but she made this noise like she was going clubbing. You know, like a Whoo-whoo. She tried to play it off, but I was laughing to hard, which made her laugh, so she couldn't come up with a good excuse.
Then she started talking about how much she liked salad, which then got her thinking about food, so she shared with me how she figures Honey Nut Cheerios are a staple food for all pregnant women. Apparently several other pregnant women she's spoken to have a hankerin' for Honey Nut Cheerios. With fruit or without, dry or with milk. You name it. Oh by the way, this is after she described why Milk must be the perfect beverage. (She who used to have to force herself to finish her milk.) Anyway, she told me how it was my husbandly duty to make sure she has an endless supply of Honey Nut Cheerios. Now, we frequently purchase the off-brand bag cereals, so I asked if the generic brand was okay. She said, "Honey-Flavored Nut-Roundies?". Yes, dear, I think that's what they're called. Now there' s a good name for a cereal. I mean, who wouldn't rush right out and buy a bag of Honey-Flavored Nut-Roundies? I hear your mouth watering now. Of course, I can't attribute that part to the pregnancy. She's always had a knack for coming up with funny names for things when she can't think of what they're really called.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
So we watched the National Geographic show, In The Womb on Friday night. It was very informative, I recommend it. Warning, I recommend watching the last 10 minutes with your eyes closed. Unless you want to see close-ups of that gal giving birth while standing up, leaning over the hospital bed. That part just re-assured the fact that I'll need to stay near the head of the bed, and might even have to keep my back to the foot of the bed. Sorry if that makes me a wimp, but that's just a little too much for me.
The Wife and I always used to take turns stealing covers from one another in the night when we had a Twin bed, and even when we had a Queen. Ever since we got a King, it really hasn't been a problem. Not that I'm aware of anyway. But with her internal thermostat off, she goes from hot to cold pretty quickly. I could've fried eggs on her stomach yesterday. Except it might be hard to get them out of her belly button. Anyway, she figured out one reason she may be getting so hot at night. She realized that when I get hot at night and get rid of the covers, they sometimes end up on her. So we've done a 180 in the covers department.
Sorry for the lack of cohesiveness of this post.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Attitude Explained
Today, someone was telling me about a show on National Geographic Channel called "In The Womb". They said that REM occurs in babies at 8 months, which would indicate they have dreams at 8 months. It's on several times this weekend, I'm going to try to watch it.
Today is another first, but not a good one. The Wife has passed from nausea to actually throwing up. Bummer.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Where do you keep your leftovers?

Well, I'm pretty sure The Baby's Polish, and it's rubbing off on The Wife. This is where I found the leftovers after dinner tonight.
Now, I have to be fair (so I don't have to sleep on the couch tonight). She got off work early today and went to the grocery store, fed the dogs, made dinner, washed the dishes (I helped a little), and wrote me a very sweet note. And after the crappy day I had, this was perfect timing. But come on, putting leftovers in the cabinet? That's funny, and I can't just let it go.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Title Goes -->HERE<--
Sunday consisted of going to the dog park, doing some stuff around the house, and just hanging out, watching MU prevail over KU (yay!). It was just a good time hanging out with The Wife, being lazy and silly.
Today was a bad nausea day for her, but it seems to be improving tonight. I wish there was a way to help, but there doesn't seem to be, so I just try to do chores and stuff. If you've got any home remedies, let me know. And no, I'm not talking about DMB or Black Crows kind of remedy.
Friday, March 04, 2005
Some Relief
Someone also loaned me a book titled something like, She's Having A Baby And I'm Having A Breakdown. I haven't started it yet, but it came highly recommended, so we'll see. I haven't looked at her "What To Expect..." book yet, but I have been reading some of her "Girlfriends Guide To Pregnancy". It seems to be pretty good.
It seems like she's a little less nauseas and tired, but it's not completely gone. Hopefully that will continue to improve.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Pole-ar Opposites
She has her first appointment with her friend's recommended OB tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll go with her if she doesn't mind. I don't want to invade her privacy, and maybe I'll be bored, but I'm hoping the OB has lot's of information to give us. I kind of feel like we're still in the dark and I'm naively waiting for someone to hand us the manual.
To Blog, or not to Blog (and why and who)
Somebody "nose" it's your birthday

This is the picture we used for the birthday cards we sent a couple years back. It was a blast taking the picture. We put peanut butter on the little noise makers, but they wouldn't keep them in their mouths. But they did get peanut butter on their noses and The Wife snapped the picture just as they turned to each other and touched noses.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Operation "Baby Announcement": Photos
Here are the 5 photos I snapped when we made the announcement. Sorry the last 2 are blurry, I should've used a tripod. NOTE: The slide show doesn't seem to be keeping them in the correct order (guess I'm having a Polish moment), so you may just want to cycle through them manually.
Monday, February 28, 2005
Congratulations, It's a Pea
Now we just have to start figuring out things like, Will The Wife keep doing personal training?, Are we going to try to get into a different house?, etc. These conversations will have to wait until we're not quite so tired and when she's feeling less nauseas.
Operation "Baby Announcement": Success
We played cards and ate; the nieces and nephews ran around and played; the women shopped a bit; The Wife got lot's of advice from her sisters and mom (I think she really appreciated and needed that). Although I have to admit, I'm a bit skeptical of the advice that she shouldn't drink our water because we have a water softener. But, who knows? I'll have to do some research on that. Best I can tell, a good time was had by all.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Alien Baby
He then proceeded to tell me how much they spent on furniture for the baby. I think I heard my ass cheeks slam shut just before my wallet let out a blood-curdling scream. I knew this was going to be an expensive endeavor, but damn.
I cleaned like a mad-man today, Martha Stewart, eat your heart out (in your so-called "prison" "cell"). I've got a few more things to finish up before the family arrives tomorrow. It doesn't sound like my Grandma is coming, and my dad is on the fence, so I may have to tell them over the phone. That kind of sucks, but oh well. They'll still be just as excited. We're still trying to decide how to tell those who do come. We've narrowed it down to a couple ways, I guess we'll just play it by ear.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Sooner or Later?
She called me this afternoon to give me permission to tell my co-workers. This is, of course, because she couldn't hold it in any longer and told her co-workers. I actually didn't tell anyone because I had a very busy afternoon and not much time for chit-chat. That, and I think I want to wait until after Monday's sonogram. There's a good chance that's going to totally freak my shit. In a good way...I think.
We also talked about needing to get our budget in order and add the baby into it so we don't spend ourselves into the poor house buying excessive unnecessary baby stuff.
Oh, I'd tell you how weird her dreams have gotten since she's pregnant, but that'd be a lie. She's always had the craziest dreams you've ever heard. And it's mind-boggling how much detail she remembers. That's what she should blog about, her dreams.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
The Wife (Bimbo Version)
TW: "Well, I'm off to work."
Me: "Really, your gonna be there way early."
TW: "I am? What time do I normally leave for work?"
She's just not normally that flighty. Then a bit later when she's getting the dogs ready to go outside potty, she fell into the dishwasher. She just kinda looked at me like, did you see that?
She called me this afternoon and was upset because someone was bitching about letting her off work on Monday, and that she couldn't get in to see the new OB for almost two weeks, and she was worried that she was doing something wrong and nobody was telling her what to do. Deep breaths, baby, calm down. So I told her she probably needed to tell her work that she's pregnant so that maybe they'll be more understanding about needing time off. They probably think she's interviewing somewhere, they know she hates her job. I told her we'd probably get to talk to someone on Monday when we do the sonogram, and if not, we'd make an appointment to talk to our current Dr. before then. I called the new OB and got the appointment bumped up to one week away, so I think that helped. I tried my best.
The interesting thing is, she admitted that logically, she knows everything's cool, but emotionally, she can't help but be a bit out of control. Amazing, she's even logically illogical.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Pickles and Potatoes
Then there was this morning.
TW: "No pickles."
No pickles? We weren't even talking about pickles. I mean, sure, we had pickles on our sandwiches last week, but there had been no pickle discussions at all this morning, let alone this week.
To summarize, Potatoes good, Pickles bad.
P.S. Did I mention her sense of smell has gone through the roof to the point where she could probably sniff out pot in a jar of peanut butter?
Monday, February 21, 2005
This is SICK...
The Dr's office confirmed that The Wife is pregnant. Of course they just did the same damn pee-test she'd already done four times. Did I mention she took four pregnancy tests? They want to do a sonogram next week. They think she's 4-6 weeks and that a sonogram will help to see if the size matches their guess. Seems early to me, but what do I know. Our current regular Dr. offered to be her OB, but I think she'd prefer having a girl Dr.
4-6 weeks? Shit, I've lost over a month of planning!
Saturday, February 19, 2005's a secret
The Wife took her 4th test this morning and failed...err, I mean passed with flying colors. Two of them to be exact, Blue and parallel. So we figured we'd tell our closest friends and family. They are close enough to us, that if something ever went wrong, we'd want and need their support, so we wanted to tell them right away. Surprisingly enough, we were able to round them all up and go out to dinner in the matter of a few hours. The cool thing is, we typically can't plan a get together because everyone's so busy, but it all just came together on short notice. We'll have to figure out how to do the families. They're all spread out a few hours in different directions and we'd like to tell them in person.
Anyway, our friends are excited, even the 'kidless' one's. We'll start telling more people as soon as we feel more comfortable that everything is going well. Oh, crap. I just realized I told all of you. Well, good thing nobody's reading this blog yet. If you stumble across this,'s a secret.
Friday, February 18, 2005
The Big News
I get a phone call from a co-worker not 5 minutes after she's told me and we've decided not to tell anyone. I damn near told him! I was dying to share it with someone.
So it's off to the hockey game to hang out, not tell our friends, and not panic...yet.
So this is the reason I'm starting my blog. We'll see how long I stick with it, and where else it may go.