Friday, April 29, 2005

15 weeks 5 days

The first time we listened for the heartbeat several weeks ago, it could barely be heard. So much that The Wife didn't hear it, and it's possible that I just imagined it. Today, the Dr. had a med student with her and the med student was all over the place with that microphone thingy and couldn't find it. So The Doc stepped in and found it pretty quickly and it was super loud. WHUUW-WHUUW-WHUUW-WHUUW-WHUUW-WHUUW. Man, that was pretty cool. The Wife was ecstatic. She needed that. It seemed like a little reward for everything she's gone through so far.

Oh, and according to some Chinese zodiac calendar predictor whozit whatzit, she's determined that we're having a girl. Speaking of that, the more we talk about it, the more we're thinking of not finding out if The Baby is a boy or a girl ahead of time.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Itchy And Scratchy Show

The Wife's butt itches. A lot. All the time. Without relief. And while I do feel bad for her and wouldn't want to be on "her end" of the situation, it's really just too hilarious not to laugh, or to blog for that matter. Because I'd hate to forget about this, that would be a shame.

Before I got home, The Little Dog (relatively speaking at 58 lbs.) puked tonight, and that made The Wife puke. But she mustered up the strength to clean it up. And I truly appreciate not having to clean up dog puke first thing when I get home.

Tomorrow is our fourth wedding anniversary. Sometimes it seems like it all started yesterday, other times it seems like it should be our fortieth. There could be no more perfect woman for me. Thanks to her for being her, and for liking me for being me.


Monday, April 25, 2005

Get Away (part deux)

We went to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, this past weekend. It's a small town carved into the very steep hills of the Ozark Mountains. It's an old town, but it's clean and quaint. The streets are narrow, steep, and windy. It's fun to walk around the historic downtown area and see all the shops. I suppose it would be more fun if you enjoyed shopping. But still, we had a great time just hanging out together, with no real schedule to stick to. We drove out to a lake and then had dinner at The Horizon, a very small, nice little restaurant looking over the lake. Then we drove around and found this old, one-lane suspension bridge. That was very cool, for me. The Wife didn't like it so much. But she won't even step on a metal grate in the sidewalk. We stayed at The Palace Hotel and Bath House. The nice part about it was that it was in town, but on the edge of town, so there wasn't a lot of hub-bub around it. And there are only 7 or 8 rooms, so it wasn't real busy, and we were looking for something a little more cozy and private. If we went back, we'd stay on the upper floor so we wouldn't hear the people above us. We each had a massage in the bath house on Sunday. It was nice, but what we've come to realize is that the day spas that are built into these old bath houses have nice services, but it's a completely different atmosphere than your typical day spa. They're just a little less private, but still nice. We both had a great time and really enjoyed the weekend and each other.

(Sorry for the streaming consciousness)


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Get Away

It was kind of a rough morning. Both of us are a little short on sleep this week, and although The Wife is feeling somewhat better, she still feels sick most mornings. Lack of sleep and desperately wanting to be in that "blissful 2nd tri-mester" rumored to exist were just a little overwhelming this morning. But we survived.

She went against her book's advice and went to the salon today. But she didn't do anything too drastic and she seems to like it. She should, she looks totally hot.

We're going on a little 4th anniversary get-away weekend this weekend. We're looking forward to it. We need a little break. It should be a good time. We're going to - Note to The Wife: HA!!! You thought you were going to find out, didn't you? I know you're reading this before we leave for the weekend. Heh-heh. Nice try, but you'll just have to wait until we get there.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Blame Game

Okay, so I got called out on my lack of updates. Thanks, KD, I needed that.

The Wife went to her sister's last night and got a bunch of clothes and some other stuff. That's pretty exciting. The other sister was supposed to come too, but her husband didn't want her to for some reason. Oh well, more stuff for us! Yay. Oh, but then I got blamed for keeping her up so late last night. Even though she didn't even get home till after 10:30! I told her nice try, but it was her fault.

She's feeling mostly better, but there's been no "light switch" from feeling blah to feeling great. She's getting a little bit of a belly, but she says it's just all fat and not baby. I tell her it is baby and it's because of the baby and it's cute.

We put the boats in at the Lake this weekend and had a blast. The Baby had it's first boat ride. I napped in the boat and she napped on the dock. I realized I'd been in and out of consciousness for a few minutes so I figured I'd better see if she was asleep so she didn't burn. I hollered over at her to tell her to flip over or get out of the sun. She was on her stomach with her top's neck strap untied and held it with one hand as she stood up, leaning over to tie it. And her boob had just completely fallen out. Completely. She had no clue. Granted, there's really nobody around that could see anything, but I hopped out and stepped in front of her and told her to stand up. She's half asleep and she's just like, What? Why?. I told her to trust me, she stood up, I put her boob away, and she was like, "Oh, Thanks.". It was quite amusing. She had no idea. And she was so mostly asleep, that when we were laughing about it later, she didn't even remember exactly how it had happened. Ahh, My Wife, the pregnant exhibitionist.


Friday, April 08, 2005

Furry Stirrups

Wow, so I completely forgot to talk about last weeks Dr. appointment. This week has flown by.

Perhaps we were being punished for being 4 minutes late, but we sat in the examination room for over 45 minutes before the Dr. finally arrived. The furry stirrups were out for some reason and we thought about taking them for a test run, but decided we better not. Translated, that's: I tried to convince her how much fun it would be and she just kept saying no. The doc said everything checked out okay and that her Iron seemed fine. So, it must just be the normal first trimester blues, and she'll start feeling better any day now.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What do Johnson County, KS and Superman have in common?

They can both turn back time! Congratulation to Johnson County for helping America go back in time. Back to the retarded age.

CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT [to ban gay marriage]
Total Number of Precincts 417
Precincts Reporting 417 100.0 %
Total Votes 97051

YES 58368 60.14%
NO 38683 39.86%

Gee, while we're at it, why don't we make gay people use separate drinking fountains and ride in the back of the bus? Didn't we learn anything? Regardless of how you feel about gay marriage, amending the Constitution is wrong. IT'S THE CONSTITUTION. In 50 years (hopefully sooner), they're going to look back at this and call us fools. *sigh*