Monday, May 16, 2005

Baby Room

It seems like there's not much to write about lately, like there aren't a lot of new developments. Maybe I'm just getting used things so I don't think about writing about them.

As far as I know, The Wife is still on a streak of feeling good. She should be sitting down more during the day at work, but she's in retail, so that's tough. But with all the changes lately, her job description isn't much more than, "stand here until someone needs something", so I'm thinking "stand" could be replaced with "sit". She just needs to get some kind of a stool or a chair. Maybe that would help her ankles, which are a bit swollen at the end of the day.

I guess we really need to get going on the baby room. Get it cleared out and painted and ready for furniture. Maybe we can do a little of that this weekend.


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