Monday, February 05, 2007

Part-Time Student

So The Boy went to "school" today. As mentioned earlier, he's going to go on Mondays & Wednesdays. The Wife dropped him off around 8 and picked him up about 4:45. I called them around 11:15 to see how he was doing. They said he was doing good and eating lunch when I called. Nap is supposed to be from 12:30 to 2:30, but I guess he didn't nap. We were worried about that part. For one, most days he still takes 2 naps, but some days he only takes one. The other thing is, he always naps in his room, in his crib, by himself, and it's pretty dark in his room. So we probably created this problem ourselves. Well, it was only the first day, so hopefully we can get this fixed.

I'm not sure how much he'll wear his hearing aids there. I'm not sure how much he or the other kids will try to take them out. I guess we'll just play that one by ... ear.

Our vacation starts on Friday. And although I'm very excited, I really got myself bummed out thinking about being away from him for so long.

He's getting so big. At night, when I go check on him before I go to bed, sometimes he's all stretched out in his crib, and I just can't believe how much of the crib he takes up.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Pick A Winner

The Boy had a huge booger in his nose the other day. I tried using kleenex to wipe his nose to get it out, but nothing doing. So I gave up. A few minutes later, we were just hanging out, and I asked him where his nose is. He reached up to touch his nose, but accidentally stuck his finger in his nose and pulled out that enormous booger.

I was so proud!!!