Saturday, February 19, 2005's a secret

We told a party of 12 that we're pregnant one day after we found out. We figure one couple hates us now, since we were the last two 'kidless' couples.

The Wife took her 4th test this morning and failed...err, I mean passed with flying colors. Two of them to be exact, Blue and parallel. So we figured we'd tell our closest friends and family. They are close enough to us, that if something ever went wrong, we'd want and need their support, so we wanted to tell them right away. Surprisingly enough, we were able to round them all up and go out to dinner in the matter of a few hours. The cool thing is, we typically can't plan a get together because everyone's so busy, but it all just came together on short notice. We'll have to figure out how to do the families. They're all spread out a few hours in different directions and we'd like to tell them in person.

Anyway, our friends are excited, even the 'kidless' one's. We'll start telling more people as soon as we feel more comfortable that everything is going well. Oh, crap. I just realized I told all of you. Well, good thing nobody's reading this blog yet. If you stumble across this,'s a secret.


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