Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Saving Myself

I don't hold newborn babies. I even shy away from holding babies in general, but I don't hold newborn babies. I won't lie and try to be macho. It's partially because it's kind of scary. But a big part of it is that I want the first baby that I hold, especially newborn baby that I hold, to be my baby. (and yes, by my, I mean our, meaning The Wife and me) So you see, it really boils down to the fact that I'm saving myself.

I tried to explain that to our friends tonight when I wouldn't hold their baby that was just born today. I'm not entirely sure they understood, but I asked them not to take offense. He was a very cute baby. Very cute. His Wife was praising the epidural all night long. It's one of the first 5 words she says to everyone she talks to. She apparently had a pretty easy time, especially after the epidural. He told me the doctor arrived, took off her coat, put on her gown, put on her gloves, and literally turned around just in time to catch the little bugger. A little to close, if you ask me, but makes for an amusing story.

Oh, and speaking of babies. The Wife's sister, the one with the 8-year-old and the 2-year-old triplets, yah, she's pregnant. She's due 4 days after The Wife. That makes 5 kids. Wow. Out. Of. Control.



Anonymous said...

Damn! Put a cork in that thing!


PolesPosition said...

Heh-heh. I think they plan on it after this one.