Monday, January 30, 2006

Abs Of Steel

The Boy is working his abs like crazy. He can't sit up by himself or keep himself balanced for very long. But he is definitely trying. In the swing. In the carseat. In the bouncy chair. He's always leaning up / forward.


Monday, January 23, 2006

Baby Got Back

We went to look at convertible car seats yesterday. At just over 3 months, The Boy is about 18 pounds and 26 inches. He only has about 4 pounds or 3 inches before he outgrows the infant seat specs. Geez, what a tank. We have a hard time getting any kind of jeans or pants over his thighs. They fit fine once we do, but getting them there is a chore.

Unless I slept through something, which is unlikely, he slept from 9 or 9:30pm to 4am without needing any attention at all! We put him down about 7 or 7:30, and he woke up an hour or so later. So The Wife fed him and he was only partially awake. He went back to sleep pretty quickly and was out for the night. Maybe we can get him to start repeating this. Or maybe I just jynxed us.


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Now That's Funny, I Don't Care Who You Are

The Wife started a new game with The Boy that involves "beeping" his nose and chin and "ringing" his cheeks. It evokes the closest thing to a laugh that we've heard. I can't quite call it a laugh, but it's damn close.


Friday, January 13, 2006

The Art Of Sh-Sh-ing

His body facing in to mine, which helps hold the binky in. His head in the crook of my left arm, my left had keeping his left arm from flailing. His butt in the crook of my right arm, which also supports his torso and keeps his right arm from flailing.

Then the rock&bounce back and forth, left and right. Like so:

Sh-sh Sh-sh Sh-sh Sh (no sh on 8, I have to inhale at some point)
1----2 3----4 5----6 7----8
Le--ft Ri-ght Le--ft Ri-ght

(repeat chorus)

Most attempts to NOT stand will only work for a few seconds or minutes if I'm lucky. And although this has worked several times, there are times when this just seems to make him angrier.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

12 Weeks

Oops. 12 weeks was Monday.

The Boy is over 16.5 lbs & over 25" long (it's been a week & a half since we checked). He's off the charts.

He is smiling a lot and babbling. This week, he hasn't wanted to go to sleep. Not even mommy has had much luck comforting him. He basically screams until he passes out from exhaustion. We're hoping it's a short phase. The good news is, he's still going for some long stretches before he needs to be re-binkied, re-wrapped, or fed.

He's been fitted for the hearing aids. We'll do the trial and see how it goes. They are over the ear models. We got blue hearing aids and clear ear molds. We thought a color would be a little more fun than the standard beige. If he still needs them when he's older, he can pick his own colors.

I feel like I should have a lot more to say, but I can't think of anything right now.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006


The Boy has a slight fever and is fussy. The Wife may be developing a cough. I've had a sore throat for a day or two.

Not good. Someone call quarantine.


New Year's Prediction

The Blues' win on Monday was the turning point in their season. Now they're really gonna start winning some games!

(What? It's supposed to be a Resolution, not a Prediction??? Eh, close enough. You know what they say, POE-TAY-TOE, TOE-MAH-TOE.)


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

I like changing The Boy's diaper. For one because I'm pretty good at changing his diaper, and also because he's usually in a very good mood and very talkative.

I'm also good at swaddling him.

We have good times in the mornings when he wakes and during the daytime.

He's been a bit picky about taking bottles. He's taken a few here and there, but more recently we haven't had much luck. We think it's a matter of catching him before he's too hungry and making sure the milk is fresh enough. He took a bottle this morning. That was nice. He even let me feed him, that was cool. It was freshly squeezed boob juice, never even been in the fridge!


Bubble Boy

The Boy sure makes a lot of spit bubbles with his mouth. Sometimes his chin is just covered with them like a soap suds beard.