Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Speedy Delivery

The Wife keeps hearing about all these women she know who have an easy delivery. She's really hoping to start hearing about some miserable ones because she's convinced that if all she hears about how easy it is that Murphy's Law will kick in and she'll have the worst one ever.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

ROTS - Comments

I don't consider anything I've written below to be a spoiler. But if you're completely paranoid about reading any potential spoilers, you might wait to read this after you've seen ROTS.

Despite the fact that I knew Anakin would become Darth Vader, it still broke my heart to watch it unfold. The way it happened. The things he did. The fact that Darth Vader was no longer just some bad guy in a black suit. In the original Trilogy, he was just that bad guy and that's how it was. No big deal. But to see him transform and to know that Darth Vader could have been prevented. And to know that some evil bastard took advantage of his adolescence and his hard life. It was just sad.

The movie was amusing and suspensful. It was visually captivating. The whole movie brought such closure to so many things.

I truly enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing it again in six hours.


It's Official

I scored some mega-points with the careful wording of the following comment.

"Yah, I'd say that you are officially showing."

The points were awarded for wording it so that it didn't come off as, "you're getting bigger".

The topic came up because I guess some gal said to The Wife something like, "...yah, when I was pregnant...", yet there had been no mention of the fact that The Wife is currently pregnant.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I'm going to see Revenge Of The Sith in 30 minutes. Very excited.


Monday, May 16, 2005

That was crazy, dog.

The Dogs have always been a bit strange. Getting a second dog was a great idea. These two girls are the best of friends. They love to play and snuggle and all that stuff.

It has always been a bit weird when they make out. They're like french-kissing teenagers. And when one cleans the other and I'm in the room. Well, I just feel like I'm invading their privacy. But this latest thing is too much for me. Golden doggie showers.

Yah, I know.

Out of the past 10 walks we've went on, I'd say 8 or 9 have resulting in one peeing on the other's head at least once. They're both sniffing the same spot, nose-to-nose, and then one spins around, hikes their leg (yah, they're both girls. like I said, they've always been a bit strange), and just pees before the other one moves. And it happens so fast, it's over before we can even think to stop it from happening. Ugh. It's amusing and wrong, all at the same time.


Feed Me!

The Wife has apparently been possessed by Audrey II. After we got home from walking The Dogs tonight, she sits down and commands, "Feed Me!".

Gotta run, time to flip the fish sticks and tater tots.


Baby Room

It seems like there's not much to write about lately, like there aren't a lot of new developments. Maybe I'm just getting used things so I don't think about writing about them.

As far as I know, The Wife is still on a streak of feeling good. She should be sitting down more during the day at work, but she's in retail, so that's tough. But with all the changes lately, her job description isn't much more than, "stand here until someone needs something", so I'm thinking "stand" could be replaced with "sit". She just needs to get some kind of a stool or a chair. Maybe that would help her ankles, which are a bit swollen at the end of the day.

I guess we really need to get going on the baby room. Get it cleared out and painted and ready for furniture. Maybe we can do a little of that this weekend.


Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Pre-Mothers Day

You would think it would be easy to buy a hammock. You'd be wrong. We went to 5 different stores to compare styles and prices and ended up buying the stand from one store and the hammock from another. But we got one. And we used it. And it's good. The Wife has wanted one for a while now, and I figured that would be an okay pre-mother's day gift. Something for relaxing. Since everyone tells us there will be no more relaxing after October.

I also got her a white picture frame that holds two 4x6 pictures. I decorated the frame with some markers and put a sonogram picture in the top and a picture of the dogs in the bottom. She woke up to it on her bed stand Sunday morning. That was cool.

She's not quite used to her bigger boobs. Several times on Saturday when we were out, she made sudden turns, slamming her boobs into me, practically knocking me to the ground (isn't exaggeration fun?). And the funny part is that she was oblivious to it. I pointed it out to her later with this same caveat -- This is NOT, I repeat NOT, a complaint. I'm relatively pleased with the situation, actually.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Damn It Was A Good Day

To quote Ice Cube. Too bad I don't have a radioblog setup, I'd definitely have that track in there.

The Wife had a good day today. Felt good, felt peppy and upbeat. Hopefully that trend continues.

I got head-butted (is that a word?) in my soccer game on Tuesday. At least that's what they tell me. I went up for a header, and won the ball, but the next thing I know, I landed on the ground horizontally and just kind of laid there in a lot of pain. I've got a lovely black eye and my cheek is swollen. And it's messing with my teeth. It's some kind of combination of my bite being off a little, and some of my teeth feeling numb. Oh, and there's blood in my phlegm. Other than that, I'm perfect! (name that film quote).