Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Blame Game

Okay, so I got called out on my lack of updates. Thanks, KD, I needed that.

The Wife went to her sister's last night and got a bunch of clothes and some other stuff. That's pretty exciting. The other sister was supposed to come too, but her husband didn't want her to for some reason. Oh well, more stuff for us! Yay. Oh, but then I got blamed for keeping her up so late last night. Even though she didn't even get home till after 10:30! I told her nice try, but it was her fault.

She's feeling mostly better, but there's been no "light switch" from feeling blah to feeling great. She's getting a little bit of a belly, but she says it's just all fat and not baby. I tell her it is baby and it's because of the baby and it's cute.

We put the boats in at the Lake this weekend and had a blast. The Baby had it's first boat ride. I napped in the boat and she napped on the dock. I realized I'd been in and out of consciousness for a few minutes so I figured I'd better see if she was asleep so she didn't burn. I hollered over at her to tell her to flip over or get out of the sun. She was on her stomach with her top's neck strap untied and held it with one hand as she stood up, leaning over to tie it. And her boob had just completely fallen out. Completely. She had no clue. Granted, there's really nobody around that could see anything, but I hopped out and stepped in front of her and told her to stand up. She's half asleep and she's just like, What? Why?. I told her to trust me, she stood up, I put her boob away, and she was like, "Oh, Thanks.". It was quite amusing. She had no idea. And she was so mostly asleep, that when we were laughing about it later, she didn't even remember exactly how it had happened. Ahh, My Wife, the pregnant exhibitionist.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. That is highly entertaining. And you tell your wife that I don't want to hear one word about being fat through this pregnancy. Until she beats my record of 290 at 9 months pregnant, she is not fat. THANK GOD I lost my preg weight very quickly or we'd have to look into a crane and a flatbed truck to get me to work.