Friday, February 18, 2005

The Big News

I get a text message from The Wife while I'm at a Happy Hour. The plan is to leave the house at 6:30 for a hockey game, and she asked me to come home a bit earlier than planned. I'm thinking she wants to talk about her work because she doesn't care for it much and keeps thinking of changing jobs. (I'd actually left work before I got her email about her not coming along because she didn't want to be in a smoky bar.) When she tells me to sit down, I realize she's going to tell me she's pregnant. "Wow", I said. Followed by, "I told you that was a bad time to have sex!". Yah, I know, I'm a smooth operator. Luckily, she's got a great head on her shoulders, and doesn't take it the wrong way. She's taken 3 pregnancy tests in the past hour and has another for in the morning just to be sure. Obsessive-Compulsive much? This is a year or two sooner than we were thinking, but like they say, if you wait till you're ready, you never will be.

I get a phone call from a co-worker not 5 minutes after she's told me and we've decided not to tell anyone. I damn near told him! I was dying to share it with someone.

So it's off to the hockey game to hang out, not tell our friends, and not panic...yet.

So this is the reason I'm starting my blog. We'll see how long I stick with it, and where else it may go.


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