Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This Just In

Just heard over the baby monitor (sung to the tune of...unknown):

Wake up, wake up. It's time to eat.
Wake up, wake up. Your fast asleep.
Wake up, wake up. There's a whole other Boob to eat.
[end of song]

Sometimes he's a little lazy about the eating. I think mom is just too comforting. Heck, I can't count the number of times I've fallen asleep with her boob in my mouth.

Editor's Note: The Wife just informed me that it's sung to a tune from the movie "Groundhog Day".



Anonymous said...

Pennsylvania Polka as played in the movie. It's hard to get out of your head. - wife

Anonymous said...

LOL! I love it! I think that will be Britney's come back hit.