Thursday, March 10, 2005

Attitude Explained

So The Wife has a pretty good theory about why some kids get such an attitude at certain ages. She figures that they remember all the power they had while in the womb, at least on a sub-conscious level. They must figure if they had enough power to make mommy vomit, make her need to sleep all the time, make her boobs hurt, etc. when they were only the size of a piece of corn that they must really be in charge now that they've grown up some. It's an interesting theory, I think there may be something to it.

Today, someone was telling me about a show on National Geographic Channel called "In The Womb". They said that REM occurs in babies at 8 months, which would indicate they have dreams at 8 months. It's on several times this weekend, I'm going to try to watch it.

Today is another first, but not a good one. The Wife has passed from nausea to actually throwing up. Bummer.



Anonymous said...

Wow, what do you dream about in the womb? A giant attacking placenta? Plans for new ways to kick mom in the bladder? The horrible monster that sounds like mommy's digestive tract?

PolesPosition said...

Yah, they kinda said the same thing. If they really are dreaming, what the heck about since they really don't have many memories or experiences?