Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm So Happy I Could Cry Myself To Sleep

It's the emotional roller-coaster that is parenthood that I have a hard time dealing with. The Boy goes from happy to sad to angry to screaming faster than a MacInnis slap shot. That just drains me. But at least this night has ended positively (so far - hopefully Murphy isn't listening).

In the interest of the health of The Family, we've enrolled The Boy in daycare for two days a week. He'll start next week. I think it will be good for all of us - The Wife will get some regular breaks and The Boy will get some socialization and variety.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

New. Improved.

So this is the new Blogger? Well, the labels are cool. So far, I don't see much else different.

EDIT: Wow, the customization is great! What I used to have to do with javascript is now drag and drop with my mouse. Way to go, Blogger!

We're going through a major layoff & re-org at work. Very stressful. Hard to stay focused.

The Blues are like 8-2 in their last 10. Quite a turnaround. Hopefully they can keep it up. And hopefully Pittsburgh pisses off Lemieux and he brings the Penguins to KC. Of course, if I don't have a job I'm not sure I can justify season tickets.

The Boy is doing well. He knows a ton of sign language and a few words. Except that for most the words you have to be Mom or Dad to understand. But the tantrums have started, and they are rough.