Monday, February 28, 2005

Congratulations, It's a Pea

I went with The Wife for the sonogram today. The Baby is about the size of a pea and there's nothing visually distinguishing about it. But, I did hear a few beats of the heart. That was pretty cool. She said the heart rate was good, I think she said about 140, but I don't recall for sure. She said 7 weeks sounds about right and they're sticking with 10/16 but I'm not budging from my 10/22. Those doctors think they know everything! We'll see about that.

Now we just have to start figuring out things like, Will The Wife keep doing personal training?, Are we going to try to get into a different house?, etc. These conversations will have to wait until we're not quite so tired and when she's feeling less nauseas.


Operation "Baby Announcement": Success

Well, the weekend went off with a bang. We got our plan from someone who'd posted on We got everyone on the couch for a family photo, got everyone settled in, and I said, "Okay everyone, smile and say [The Wife]'s pregnant!". I had the camera set to take 5 pictures in quick succession. It's pretty cool. You can see how everyone was prepared for the picture in the first shot and then in each following shot you get to see everyone's reaction (and they were all good reactions). Maybe I'll post them someday if I get my own server setup.

We played cards and ate; the nieces and nephews ran around and played; the women shopped a bit; The Wife got lot's of advice from her sisters and mom (I think she really appreciated and needed that). Although I have to admit, I'm a bit skeptical of the advice that she shouldn't drink our water because we have a water softener. But, who knows? I'll have to do some research on that. Best I can tell, a good time was had by all.


Friday, February 25, 2005

Alien Baby

My buddy brought his 3-D sonogram pictures to lunch today. The technology behind these pictures is very cool and I'm sure his baby is going to be the 2nd cutest ever in the whole world, but damn those 3-D sonograms look FREAKY!

He then proceeded to tell me how much they spent on furniture for the baby. I think I heard my ass cheeks slam shut just before my wallet let out a blood-curdling scream. I knew this was going to be an expensive endeavor, but damn.

I cleaned like a mad-man today, Martha Stewart, eat your heart out (in your so-called "prison" "cell"). I've got a few more things to finish up before the family arrives tomorrow. It doesn't sound like my Grandma is coming, and my dad is on the fence, so I may have to tell them over the phone. That kind of sucks, but oh well. They'll still be just as excited. We're still trying to decide how to tell those who do come. We've narrowed it down to a couple ways, I guess we'll just play it by ear.


Mail-to-Blogger (3rd try)

This is just a test to see if I can email a blog entry.


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Sooner or Later?

Well, Monday's sonogram won't tell us the gender since she's not that far along, but we did talk about whether or not we want to know ahead of time. I figure I'm going to be surprised either way, so I may as well know ahead of time so planning is easier. The Wife isn't sure. She kind of wants to wait until birth, but sees the benefit of knowing ahead. I guess we'll figure that one out later.

She called me this afternoon to give me permission to tell my co-workers. This is, of course, because she couldn't hold it in any longer and told her co-workers. I actually didn't tell anyone because I had a very busy afternoon and not much time for chit-chat. That, and I think I want to wait until after Monday's sonogram. There's a good chance that's going to totally freak my shit. In a good way...I think.

We also talked about needing to get our budget in order and add the baby into it so we don't spend ourselves into the poor house buying excessive unnecessary baby stuff.

Oh, I'd tell you how weird her dreams have gotten since she's pregnant, but that'd be a lie. She's always had the craziest dreams you've ever heard. And it's mind-boggling how much detail she remembers. That's what she should blog about, her dreams.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Wife (Bimbo Version)

Well, that's probably a little harsh of a term. But she definitely is acting odd.
TW: "Well, I'm off to work."
Me: "Really, your gonna be there way early."
TW: "I am? What time do I normally leave for work?"

She's just not normally that flighty. Then a bit later when she's getting the dogs ready to go outside potty, she fell into the dishwasher. She just kinda looked at me like, did you see that?

She called me this afternoon and was upset because someone was bitching about letting her off work on Monday, and that she couldn't get in to see the new OB for almost two weeks, and she was worried that she was doing something wrong and nobody was telling her what to do. Deep breaths, baby, calm down. So I told her she probably needed to tell her work that she's pregnant so that maybe they'll be more understanding about needing time off. They probably think she's interviewing somewhere, they know she hates her job. I told her we'd probably get to talk to someone on Monday when we do the sonogram, and if not, we'd make an appointment to talk to our current Dr. before then. I called the new OB and got the appointment bumped up to one week away, so I think that helped. I tried my best.

The interesting thing is, she admitted that logically, she knows everything's cool, but emotionally, she can't help but be a bit out of control. Amazing, she's even logically illogical.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pickles and Potatoes

Sunday night she said my baked potatoes were really good, better than the one at the restaurant on Saturday. Monday night she inhaled her share of the mashed potatoes I made, and a few bites of mine, too. And she kept saying how good they were.

Then there was this morning.
Me: "Do you want me to make you a lunch?"
TW: "No pickles."

No pickles? We weren't even talking about pickles. I mean, sure, we had pickles on our sandwiches last week, but there had been no pickle discussions at all this morning, let alone this week.

To summarize, Potatoes good, Pickles bad.

P.S. Did I mention her sense of smell has gone through the roof to the point where she could probably sniff out pot in a jar of peanut butter?


Monday, February 21, 2005

This is SICK...

...which would be great if we were up a mountain and I had a board strapped to my feet. Unfortunately, it's just that her nausea has begun. I guess there's not much I can do, which sucks.

The Dr's office confirmed that The Wife is pregnant. Of course they just did the same damn pee-test she'd already done four times. Did I mention she took four pregnancy tests? They want to do a sonogram next week. They think she's 4-6 weeks and that a sonogram will help to see if the size matches their guess. Seems early to me, but what do I know. Our current regular Dr. offered to be her OB, but I think she'd prefer having a girl Dr.

4-6 weeks? Shit, I've lost over a month of planning!


Saturday, February 19, 2005's a secret

We told a party of 12 that we're pregnant one day after we found out. We figure one couple hates us now, since we were the last two 'kidless' couples.

The Wife took her 4th test this morning and failed...err, I mean passed with flying colors. Two of them to be exact, Blue and parallel. So we figured we'd tell our closest friends and family. They are close enough to us, that if something ever went wrong, we'd want and need their support, so we wanted to tell them right away. Surprisingly enough, we were able to round them all up and go out to dinner in the matter of a few hours. The cool thing is, we typically can't plan a get together because everyone's so busy, but it all just came together on short notice. We'll have to figure out how to do the families. They're all spread out a few hours in different directions and we'd like to tell them in person.

Anyway, our friends are excited, even the 'kidless' one's. We'll start telling more people as soon as we feel more comfortable that everything is going well. Oh, crap. I just realized I told all of you. Well, good thing nobody's reading this blog yet. If you stumble across this,'s a secret.


Friday, February 18, 2005

The Big News

I get a text message from The Wife while I'm at a Happy Hour. The plan is to leave the house at 6:30 for a hockey game, and she asked me to come home a bit earlier than planned. I'm thinking she wants to talk about her work because she doesn't care for it much and keeps thinking of changing jobs. (I'd actually left work before I got her email about her not coming along because she didn't want to be in a smoky bar.) When she tells me to sit down, I realize she's going to tell me she's pregnant. "Wow", I said. Followed by, "I told you that was a bad time to have sex!". Yah, I know, I'm a smooth operator. Luckily, she's got a great head on her shoulders, and doesn't take it the wrong way. She's taken 3 pregnancy tests in the past hour and has another for in the morning just to be sure. Obsessive-Compulsive much? This is a year or two sooner than we were thinking, but like they say, if you wait till you're ready, you never will be.

I get a phone call from a co-worker not 5 minutes after she's told me and we've decided not to tell anyone. I damn near told him! I was dying to share it with someone.

So it's off to the hockey game to hang out, not tell our friends, and not panic...yet.

So this is the reason I'm starting my blog. We'll see how long I stick with it, and where else it may go.