Thursday, May 05, 2005

Damn It Was A Good Day

To quote Ice Cube. Too bad I don't have a radioblog setup, I'd definitely have that track in there.

The Wife had a good day today. Felt good, felt peppy and upbeat. Hopefully that trend continues.

I got head-butted (is that a word?) in my soccer game on Tuesday. At least that's what they tell me. I went up for a header, and won the ball, but the next thing I know, I landed on the ground horizontally and just kind of laid there in a lot of pain. I've got a lovely black eye and my cheek is swollen. And it's messing with my teeth. It's some kind of combination of my bite being off a little, and some of my teeth feeling numb. Oh, and there's blood in my phlegm. Other than that, I'm perfect! (name that film quote).


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