Friday, August 05, 2005

The Waiting Game

The Baby Dr. appointment yesterday went well. She ask if we had a pediatrician and if The Wife wanted an epidural. We didn't know the answer to either. She recommended someone, and told us we could talk to the anesthesiologist about the epidural.

The Wife is low on Iron, so we got some OTC Iron for her to take in addition to the pre-natal. She just loves taking pills (not), so she's excited about that.

Everything seems normal, we're seeing the doctor every two weeks now. Which is kind of painful because they always seem to be behind schedule. They always seem to have some lame excuse like, "She had to deliver a baby earlier, so she's behind schedule.". ;-)


1 comment:

PolesPosition said...

Thanks. It's nice that now different things are actually happening and there are new things to talk about. For a while it was just like, "Does it burn when you pee?"; "No."; "Good, see you in 4 weeks.".