Monday, August 22, 2005

Burn Baby Burn

That was the subject of an email I got from The Wife last week when she was having really bad heartburn. Tums and Tylenol weren't helping, but the Pepcid Complete seemed to help. I don't think she's had as much trouble with it since then. Knock on wood.

Her sister and mom came up this weekend and helped her paint the baby room. It's pretty cool. I'll try to get around to posting some pics. So now we just have to put a baby in there.

We looked at glider rockers yesterday. Damn those things are expensive. We're thinking of alternatives at this point.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get out of the baby department when shopping for glider rockers. You can get them significantly cheaper at a regular furniture store. And the metal frame sones are a lot cheaper than the wooden frame ones, too.