Saturday, March 19, 2005

Smoking Grandparents

I'm not sure how to approach my dad about his smoking now that The Wife is pregnant and especially once The Baby gets here. We go to visit him about once a month, especially during the summer. He lives on a lake, so it's a nice weekend getaway. But he smokes like a chimney and not only is it just annoying and irritating, everything stinks when we come home. (It makes me sad and embarrassed to think about how bad I must've smelled as a child.) Also, he has heart problems, and my bet is that he's only a few years away from emphysema. I'm just not sure if he can quit, or wants to quit, for that matter. The good news is that half of his basement is an apartment with a separate entrance and it doesn't reek of smoke. The bad news is his brother and my cousins also frequently go to his house and they stay in the apartment.

I just don't know where to start because I know how he is and it's not only going to hurt his feelings, but it's going to piss him off royally, because that's just how he is. It's not something that would ruin our relationship, we're too close for that. But he will be pissed. I suppose I could lie and say that The Wife or I or The Baby have developed an allergy to smoke. But that seems kind of chicken-shit.


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