Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What do Johnson County, KS and Superman have in common?

They can both turn back time! Congratulation to Johnson County for helping America go back in time. Back to the retarded age.

CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT [to ban gay marriage]
Total Number of Precincts 417
Precincts Reporting 417 100.0 %
Total Votes 97051

YES 58368 60.14%
NO 38683 39.86%

Gee, while we're at it, why don't we make gay people use separate drinking fountains and ride in the back of the bus? Didn't we learn anything? Regardless of how you feel about gay marriage, amending the Constitution is wrong. IT'S THE CONSTITUTION. In 50 years (hopefully sooner), they're going to look back at this and call us fools. *sigh*


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