Friday, July 28, 2006

Is That A Plush Toy?

I have a picture of The Boy on my work computer. He's wearing a shirt that says, "My Dad's a Geek". It's a few months old, and he does look a bit chubby in it. It really kind of emphasizes his square head with rounded corners and rounder cheeks. His arms are stuck straight out and look a little padded. And the shirt is filled out quite well by his belly. It was "take your child to work day", today. The Boy didn't go for various reasons. One of my co-workers brought her 5 year old son by and he came in my cube and read The Boy's shirt out loud and laughed. Then he leaned in, looked real hard, and said, "Is that a plush doll?". Oh my gosh, it was just so funny.

He's crawling up on hands and knees pretty regularly now. Except he has his own little twist to it. He frequently has his left knee down, but puts his right foot down to push off. It looks pretty funny and awkward.

He pulls up on everything to stand and even makes his way back and forth across whatever he's leaning on.


Monday, July 24, 2006

There I Go, Turn The Page

Welcome, Seger fans. ;-)

The Boy loves the board books. Recently, he's started helping turn the pages. He turns them in the right direction and everything. Sometimes he decides he wants to go back and re-read a page or two, but for the most part, he just likes plowing through the book. The only thing I really have to help him with is turning one page at a time.

He intermittently is able to hold and tip the sippy cup all by himself to get a drink. We've also started on some big people food. Lunch meat, potatoes, green beans, etc.

As always, there's more to report, I just can't remember what I wanted to write about. Q: How many ADD kids does it take to change a light bulb? A: I dunno, wanna go ride bikes?


Monday, July 17, 2006

These [amps] go to eleven.

That was the other thing I forgot yesterday. The Boy is experimenting with volume. He has this elephant that honks? (what the hell do elephants do? trumpet? whatever, that noise elephants make - it makes it 3 times in a row) So we were playing with it the other day and he was trying to mimic it. Didn't sound at all like an elephant, but he was purposely adjusting his volume. It was interesting.

He also likes raising one or both arms, sometimes it's at the perfect moment and is really funny. Like tonight he had his jammies in his hands and he was raising and lowering his arms like he was playing peek-a-boo.

He's also been blowing raspberries on things like his plastic cups, and other odd objects.

Fun stuff.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

If You're Happy And You Know It

We went on a mini-vacation the past few days. We really just went to my dad's. He lives on a lake so there's lots of fun summer activities. And my half-brother met us there with his family, so that was fun. But vacations sure are a lot different when you have a baby. Overall, he was good, but he does have trouble adjusting to being in a different place. He had a lot of fun in the water and on the boat. We got him a little blow up raft complete with a shade to keep him out of the sun.

He's started clapping his hands together in the past few days, that's cool. And he's started sitting up in his crib.

I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting, and I could go into more detail, but I'm tired.


Friday, July 07, 2006


I feel like such an asshole when I leave the house for work and The Boy is crying/screaming/having a fit.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Pull Up A Couch

The Family was watching Italy and Germany go at it today. The Boy and I were sitting on the floor and The Wife was on the couch. The Wife and I got fixated on the TV, when we suddenly realized the boy was standing up, using the couch to keep his balance. He apparently pulled up into a standing position all by himself! Wow.

The Boy discovered his penis quite some time ago, but tonight in the bathtub, he was pulling on his scrotum like he was stretching out a balloon in preparation to be blown up. It looked like it should hurt, but he wasn't screaming, so what the heck.


Monday, July 03, 2006

Two Binkys. One Hand. No Problem.

Today, The Boy had one binky in each hand, and one in his mouth. He dropped the one in his mouth, looked at it, and let it be for a few seconds, and then calmly picked it up (and he was already holding a binky with that hand) without dropping the one he was already holding. Yes, I realize how silly it is to post about this, I just was impressed with his dexterity.

We're having a lot of trouble with the 2nd nap of the day. He just doesn't sleep very long, and it's pretty obvious he needs to sleep longer. Today it's worse and we're having trouble getting him to even fall asleep for the 2nd nap. We don't know if it's related to the cold, ear infection, teeth, or what, but hopefully it's just a short phase we're passing through.


Sunday, July 02, 2006


The Boy visited Chuck E Cheese's for the first time tonight. We attended a birthday party there. It was actually fun, and despite not napping enough this afternoon, he enjoyed himself. He rode a couple little rides, a bulldozer and a Clifford dog, and I got some good pics & video. And, The Mommy took one for the team by putting aside her fear of mascots and actually took The Boy to see Chuck E up close and personal.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

2 Hands. 2 Binkys. 1 Mouth. No Problem.

The other morning, The Boy had 2 binkys in his mouth at the same time. It was quite amusing and made for some great pictures.

He can crawl up stairs now. Closely monitored, of course.

He likes to chase and be chased, and he just laughs & laughs when he pops his head around the corner and finds me.

Work and life have been busy, so I haven't posted much recently.

I got a new phone (with Sprint) and I love it.

There are at least a dozen other things I've wanted to post about recently, but I can't think of them now.

EDIT: He's learning new sounds. He's got the "D" down and he's getting "M", too. It's fun to pretend like he's saying da-da and ma-ma.