Thursday, May 19, 2005

ROTS - Comments

I don't consider anything I've written below to be a spoiler. But if you're completely paranoid about reading any potential spoilers, you might wait to read this after you've seen ROTS.

Despite the fact that I knew Anakin would become Darth Vader, it still broke my heart to watch it unfold. The way it happened. The things he did. The fact that Darth Vader was no longer just some bad guy in a black suit. In the original Trilogy, he was just that bad guy and that's how it was. No big deal. But to see him transform and to know that Darth Vader could have been prevented. And to know that some evil bastard took advantage of his adolescence and his hard life. It was just sad.

The movie was amusing and suspensful. It was visually captivating. The whole movie brought such closure to so many things.

I truly enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing it again in six hours.



Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, you're a geek. ;-)

PolesPosition said...

Heh heh. The post at 11:30 was from my Sprint PCS phone via e-mail while I was sitting in my seat at the theater. Oh, and seeing it twice was very much worth it. I imagine I'll see it at least once more in the theater. I really liked it. :-)

Anonymous said...

For the Wife: What's with you and geeks? But at least the one you married doesn't wear polyester "gym coach" shorts. ;-)