I apologize for the lack of posts. I got a promotion and also was out of town for 3 days, so I've been busy.
I felt really bad about leaving The Boy & The Wife, but they did fine without me. Although they were quite happy to have me back.
It seems like The Boy does new things every day. He rolls over from his back to front all the time. He clearly wants to move when he sees something he wants to get. Sometimes it makes him pretty frustrated, but most of the time he spins in a circle, or scoots an inch or two. I've got to start baby-proofing soon. He was on the floor in the bathroom with us the other day and he spun himself around so he could reach the drawers and started trying to open them.
Oh, and he's sitting up like a champ. 30 seconds or longer at a time! The Wife is brilliant, she brought up one of our thick exercise mats and he practices sitting up on it. Most of the time we catch him, but when he does crash all the way over, those mats make for a cushy landing.
He eats at least 8 tablespoons of cereal (from a spoon) for dinner every night. We've got some fruits & veggies we're thinking of trying before too long.
A couple nights ago, we were giving him a sponge bath and he had all this goop in the folds of his neck. And he did NOT like having it cleaned. He just cried & cried. We felt bad, but it was so disgusting, it had to be done.
He's really slowed down on the weight gain. He's been hovering at 20 for almost a month. Yesterday he was 20.5. I think it's because he's so active now. Rolling over & wiggling & such. Still, he's a big boy for his age. I haven't measured his length, but darn if he doesn't even fit in the rocking chair. His head hangs over one arm with the feet hanging over the other.
He took a full bath last night. He kicked & splashed & had a blast.
We think he's teething some more. He has a bit more diaper rash than normal (although it's not too bad). He's drooling like crazy. And he chomped down on The Wife's finger and immediately started crying like it hurt.
He's only been pooping every 3-4 days. It has us a little worried, but we think maybe it's just because he's eating more cereal.
The Family joined the YMCA. The Wife has been going pretty regularly. They have baby sitting services for The Boy. The first time, the wife only got about 20 minutes into her workout before she got paged. On her way to the room, while she was still quite a way from the door, someone opened the door to leave and she heard him screaming. She was like, "That one's mine.". I guess he just screamed the whole time. But he's been doing great ever since. We got a family pass so we can use the pool.
We got new ear molds for his hearing aids. The old ones were so small they were just falling out. The problem is, I guess it's a common practice to "double-dip" ear molds for kids so they're a touch big and will last longer. But they're too big and don't fit well. I can tell this ear mold thing is going to be a pain.
I'll try to post more often, thanks for the comment.