Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It's Not Easy Being Yellow

I parted ways with The Family for the weekend, but apparently he went to sleep very easily and slept through the night. Sunday & Monday he also did well and tonight he went to sleep pretty easily. It seems like we've made significant progress and things seem to be going well. I hope it continues that way. I know teeth are coming soon and that will interrupt things a bit. Hopefully it will be limited impact.

He tried sweet potatoes over the weekend and he loves them. He's also pooping more often, so thanks for the advice to ditch the rice cereal. That may have played a part. The Parents As Teachers lady says she can tell when babies primarily eat "yellow" foods because the tips of their noses get a yellow tint to them. So I guess we'll try a green vegetable next, just in case she's not insane.


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