Sunday, March 12, 2006


Well, the fenugreek seems to be improving the supply of boob juice. Of course, now both The Wife and The Boy smell like a stack of pancakes soaked in maple syrup. It's the weirdest damn thing. Yes, I'm exaggerating some, but there truly is a distinct maple syrup smell.

We tried that baby cereal/rice stuff with a spoon again tonight. He did surprisingly well.

We're also going to try not swaddling him tonight. Being unwrapped and not having binky seem to be the primary problems when he can't put himself back to sleep. So we'll see how this goes.

The Boy has taken to burping loudly in public. Geez, kids these days have no manners.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the fenugreek is helping. Wow, I feel like a regular Boob Nazi!